Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What is wrong with people...

Daughter in law, Dr.J, asks if we could maybe check out a house in the middle of nowhere on some mountain top, where abandoned dogs have been reported. The Sheriff’s office responded, found 2 puppies, one dead, and the momma dog, which he could not catch. The officer took the live puppy to Dr.J at her clinic.

Long story shorter…we drove up the mountain and found the abandoned house. Looks like the people shut down, locked up and walked away in a hurry…left it all, everything…food in cupboards, dishes in sink, garbage everywhere, trash in the yard, AND their dogs!! There is 3 feet of snow and the only tracks are from the abandoned dogs. No one has shoveled, plowed or walked up to the house except the one officer…and his tracks were snow covered! While we were struggling through the snow, there was an unsettling feeling, like the hair on your neck being disturbed! My hubby says, “shhh, I think I hear banjos”. Oh, hey, thanks allot! Like I need you to add to my creepy thoughts!

Ok, so no boogiemen, no one from the “Deliverance” movie…just dogs, abandoned , helpless, starving dogs. The information we had was there was a female (mom to the pup) that had a broken front leg. She was there. A sweet small Black Lab cross with damage to her front leg. AND there were 4 more puppies…adorable little Lab/Rott cross. AND a 6 month old female Lab/Rott cross, AND a year old female Lab/Rott cross.
You doing the math here? That’s 8 dogs!! 8 abandoned dogs! AND I’m sure we saw one more that we can’t find now. We took dog food up and left for that one…we will go back up and look for him in a couple days.

These dogs have been scrounging to stay alive. We saw a chewed on back bone that seemed to be that of a calf, and some venison bones were laying around as were a few empty dog food bags along with all the garbage in the yard. All the dogs had extended stomachs and crusty hair, add to that a horrible smell! So, they all went to Dr.J for a check up, shots and de-worming. Dr.J is guessing pups at around 7 weeks old so they are ready for new homes! 2 of which are now living with the pastor’s daughters and getting spoiled! I hear the other dogs are all doing well also. Dr.J thinks the leg on the momma dog will be saved.

We have the year old with us, and she is doing well, after passing all those horrid worms and getting some good nutrition in her. Isn’t it amazing how a dog can fair so well after being treated so bad. 3 days with this young dog and she now knows how to sit, lay and ask to go outside. She sleeps by the bed…all night without getting up, and she rides in the car like she is a world traveler. She gets along well with the other 4 dogs, lays with the cats and pays no attention to the chickens, ducks or horses. You gotta love a dog like this!! She already has a new home and will move in there next week…it’s just down the road so I will get to see her often!

Still, I’m appalled at the nefarious butts that think they can just leave a helpless critter to fend for it’s self with no consequences. Maybe someday they will suffer what their dogs did.

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