That being said, Mickey still runs, jumps, plays, hoards his toys, loves his treats, and has the most incredible appetite! He is an obedient and loyal dog!
I never thought I, or my hubby would own a wiener-dog. I always thought they were kind of stupid, hard to train dogs...well, I was so wrong!
Mickey was a rescue, I just happen to be the one the owner dumped him on. He was 4 months old and after a few hours with him, my hubby and I decided we couldn't just give this little guy away! I have to tell you, we have had 2 Black Labs, a lab mix, German Shepherd, German Short Hair, Standard Poodle, add to that all the dogs we are around that our friends and family have, and Mickey...has the best vocabulary, the best understanding of the events taking place around him and the quickest response to the right action to take for the circumstance!
I write all this down and share it because I know it is inevitable we will loose him one day. It will be a very sad day. I got a phone call from a friend who winter's in Arizona. Their chow cross just up and died in their arms on New Year's eve. A couple months ago my youngest brother and his wife lost their little sheltie cross. And about 4 months ago, my oldest brother and his family lost their yellow lab. It's so sad and so hard on the families to go through such a loss...In each case, their dog was a HUGE part of their family! Mickey has been there, done that in our family!
Mickey keeps us all on a schedule here, he is a silent alarm as he barks very little...instead, he goes and gets one of the big dogs to challenge the intruder! (like I said, he's a smart one!) He has traveled everywhere with us! He is worldly! He is a perfect gentleman in any motel, and as a passenger in a car, you couldn't ask for better! He knows his boundaries, never runs off and always minds his manners! All of this came naturally...he was not trained!
I could go on for hours on how good and smart this little guy is, how accepting he is of all animals and people...but sooner than later, you will get bored! So, let me leave you with this...Never judge a book by it's cover...the content may be something you wouldn't want to miss out on in life!!
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