I have roughly 35 chickens...I could get a more accurate count if they would either stand still or walk in a single file...but noooo, they have to run around an confuse me! The count I am sure of is the duck...I have "one" duck!
In the mornings all the chickens and the "one" duck are waiting for me close to the front door! I have to walk all the way out to the Chicken house to feed them so they gather around me, walk on my feet, trip me, whatever it takes to hurry me up! They are so bad that I have to gently move them out of my way with my foot...It's my morning dance, "The Kicken-Chicken"!!
The really cool thing about the Chickens is how socialized they are, mostly the young ones, no, I guess all of them now. You see, this "one" duck I mention, well, I feed her out of the grain scoop while I am throwing scratch to the chickens. I do this to tame her so the kids can pet her. Slowly the baby chicks started coming close and eating with her from the scoop. So I just start petting each one as they come to eat. Now the older chickens come close so I can pet them...even the roosters!
The really cool thing is that a few of the young chicks (the banties) fly up on my shoulder or head sometimes. Of course this is all fun and games till one of them poop on my head...then it won't be so cute! I wonder...are all chickens like this...or just mine?!
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