Monday, November 29, 2010

It "Snow" wonder it's cold!

Oh my goodness!! There's allot of Snow out there!! Right now we have over 14 inches, and that's after a couple of days of packing down! And now, we are due to get another possible 10 inches! Oh no!!

I have never figured out how the critters survive the winters! The chickens and duck follow me around as I shovel so they have a place to walk...I think about closing their coop gate, but have you ever tried to keep Banties from flying the coop? Impossible!

The dogs do well in the snow...they love's like God does it so they have a personal winter wonderland playground...I think my dogs feel like God does it just for them!! The cats seem OK with the snow also...of course, they have a second story shelter with feeding area, and that's only if they choose to stay outside!

Now the horses, they are a real hoot in the snow! At least ours are! They run and buck and put their noses in it like the dogs. It is quite the sight seeing the horses play in the snow! We have trees all around us and occasionally a branch will break off from the wind or heavy snow. Well, one broke off...about a 5 foot long the pasture! We recently bought a 4th horse and I think he is going to fit in just fine! I prefer my horses (well, all my critters really!) have personality! Well, Banjo does!

My hubby was driving down the easement road and he sees Banjo flipping this big ol tree branch around and running thorough the pasture with it. Then he would stop and mess with it and then flip his head around and run some more. Well, upon further investigation, it seems the branch was stuck in the mane of the horse! My hubby went in to rescue the horse from this killer branch, but the horse decided it was more fun to play! Finally, the horse let the branch be separated from his mane! I now have a few twists and knots to comb out! I wish I would have gotten pictures! -- The horses in the photo here are Banjo and Brio!

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