Monday, November 1, 2010

horse of a different color!

Have had issues with Bombay's feet since December 2009. My hubby has went the distance to get this horse sound. Now he is ready to ride...but boots will be an added protection. -- Bought the boots, now, to try them on for the first time! Bombay has to be in the thick of things...everything! So he starts pulling stuff from the box, then picking the box up and flipping it here and there. He apparently didn't think I was doing a good job of relaying the instructions to my hubby, so he took the instructions from me! He is one funny horse!!

Can you see the yellow sticker on his nose? Well, I figured if he was ok with me putting this sticker on him, my horse Dali should be ok with it, right? NOT! Joe was under Dali, working on his feet, so I took one of the yellow stickers and put on his nose. Have you ever seen a horse look cross-eyed? Me neither! Dali looked down at his nose with both eyes and blew up! I was rolling on the ground with laughter...but hubby didn't find much humor in it...rightfully so, he could have gotten hurt, I should have thought it through a little better, but all is well, no one was hurt and Dali calmed down and his eyes are back in the proper position!!

1 comment:

Cindy E. said...

This cracks me up!! But am sooo glad that Joe is okay -- animals are so much fun (as are husbands!!).