From all of us at the "Farm Follies", to all of you who check with us...We wish You a very Merry Christmas! Please take the time to reflect on the real reason we celebrate Christmas and say a prayer of thanks for all we have been blessed with! I look forward to sharing more follies with you in 2011!!
There are no restrictions and no warnings for this blog. Hopefully it will bring a smile to all who take the time to read the stories...there may be a gentle tear at times...after all...this is about our most precious commodities in life...Faith,Family,Friends and Pets...and sometimes bad things happen to those we love. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad...all, part of the Follies!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Blend in!
Snow...we got lots!! Around 2 feet and it's still snowing!! Crazy!
Not many days left in this hunting season, so, if you haven't got your deer yet, you gotta hunt, even in the deep snow! So hubby went out, all done up in his snow-camo. It is the coolest camo! I had to take pictures. And no, he didn't see any deer:(
Not many days left in this hunting season, so, if you haven't got your deer yet, you gotta hunt, even in the deep snow! So hubby went out, all done up in his snow-camo. It is the coolest camo! I had to take pictures. And no, he didn't see any deer:(
Monday, November 29, 2010
It "Snow" wonder it's cold!
I have never figured out how the critters survive the winters! The chickens and duck follow me around as I shovel so they have a place to walk...I think about closing their coop gate, but have you ever tried to keep Banties from flying the coop? Impossible!
The dogs do well in the snow...they love's like God does it so they have a personal winter wonderland playground...I think my dogs feel like God does it just for them!! The cats seem OK with the snow also...of course, they have a second story shelter with feeding area, and that's only if they choose to stay outside!
Now the horses, they are a real hoot in the snow! At least ours are! They run and buck and put their noses in it like the dogs. It is quite the sight seeing the horses play in the snow! We have trees all around us and occasionally a branch will break off from the wind or heavy snow. Well, one broke off...about a 5 foot long the pasture! We recently bought a 4th horse and I think he is going to fit in just fine! I prefer my horses (well, all my critters really!) have personality! Well, Banjo does!
My hubby was driving down the easement road and he sees Banjo flipping this big ol tree branch around and running thorough the pasture with it. Then he would stop and mess with it and then flip his head around and run some more. Well, upon further investigation, it seems the branch was stuck in the mane of the horse! My hubby went in to rescue the horse from this killer branch, but the horse decided it was more fun to play! Finally, the horse let the branch be separated from his mane! I now have a few twists and knots to comb out! I wish I would have gotten pictures! -- The horses in the photo here are Banjo and Brio!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving Day!

I have 5 siblings, all showed up with their Sig Other, except my bro from MT. He was greatly missed, as he is the Knight in shining armor who rides in and brings the sunshine and smiles! Everyone loves him! And yet, he disappoints us...what's up with that!!! Maybe Christmas!!
20 of us did show! Dinner was great, fun was had by all! A little sledding, a little story telling, lots of hugging, visiting and reminiscing. But sadly, after all the fun is had and we head home, my dad is left behind, failing fast. He doesn't look well. He has pneumonia for the 7th time this year. Very thin and frail. We are all very worried about him. If you happen to read this blog...please include my dad (and my mom) in your prayers.
I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving and your families are well!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
horse of a different color!
Have had issues with Bombay's feet since December 2009. My hubby has went the distance to get this horse sound. Now he is ready to ride...but boots will be an added protection. -- Bought the boots, now, to try them on for the first time! Bombay has to be in the thick of things...everything! So he starts pulling stuff from the box, then picking the box up and flipping it here and there. He apparently didn't think I was doing a good job of relaying the instructions to my hubby, so he took the instructions from me! He is one funny horse!!
Can you see the yellow sticker on his nose? Well, I figured if he was ok with me putting this sticker on him, my horse Dali should be ok with it, right? NOT! Joe was under Dali, working on his feet, so I took one of the yellow stickers and put on his nose. Have you ever seen a horse look cross-eyed? Me neither! Dali looked down at his nose with both eyes and blew up! I was rolling on the ground with laughter...but hubby didn't find much humor in it...rightfully so, he could have gotten hurt, I should have thought it through a little better, but all is well, no one was hurt and Dali calmed down and his eyes are back in the proper position!!
Can you see the yellow sticker on his nose? Well, I figured if he was ok with me putting this sticker on him, my horse Dali should be ok with it, right? NOT! Joe was under Dali, working on his feet, so I took one of the yellow stickers and put on his nose. Have you ever seen a horse look cross-eyed? Me neither! Dali looked down at his nose with both eyes and blew up! I was rolling on the ground with laughter...but hubby didn't find much humor in it...rightfully so, he could have gotten hurt, I should have thought it through a little better, but all is well, no one was hurt and Dali calmed down and his eyes are back in the proper position!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
The "Twin Towers"
Not those Twin Towers, "our" Twin Towers!
Do "you" have a church? "We" have a church! --Is it weird how we all take possession of "our" churches? We say things to our friends like, "hey, you should come to "my" church?" Or, "My" church is in Spokane." --You get it!
Well, "I" have a church! And, at "my" church, we sing old hymns. Leading us in those old hymns are 3 very dear ladies...2 of which are a mere 80 years young, or so. These 2 wonderful women are our equivalent of today's church bands! Stop laughing, I'm serious! One plays the organ and the other plays the piano. Also, both of these young ladies stand only about 4'6" tall, if, so my hubby refers to them lovingly as "our Twin Towers", aka "the band"! The 3rd is a young lady, and she leads us in singing...if that's what you can call the noise that the rest of us make! Some times, more often than not, the "Twin Towers" band loose their place! Sometimes just one or the other, often both at the same time! The song leader is very professional and is usually pretty good about keeping her composure...unless, she and my hubby meet eyes! You see, my hubby finds it rather comical that our little church of 20 or less sing so totally out of sync. He has actually shed tears from quietly laughing so hard!
The last few Sundays we have had a guest minister and his family sit in the pews with us during the first part of the church service. This last Sunday, it seemed extremely hard for our "Twin Towers" to get the timing, the key or the page number together! I, like most of the other parishioners, try to ignore the bumblings and play along...but not my hubby! He can't take it, it's like someone is tickling the bottom of his feet!! And then, the guest minister, who is sitting directly in front of my hubby, turns to look at my hubby...ok, that's all she wrote! The lead singing lady now looses it also, as do the other 5 people sitting in front of me and then my 17 year old brother in law sitting next to, I'm silently saying a prayer that we can all recover and get this song done! And we do!
GOD bless our "Twin Towers" the one tiny little lady steps off the stage and goes to the other tiny little lady sitting at the piano, pats her on the back and hugs her as though they, together, just won the Super Bowl!
There will never be another church like "my" church!
Do "you" have a church? "We" have a church! --Is it weird how we all take possession of "our" churches? We say things to our friends like, "hey, you should come to "my" church?" Or, "My" church is in Spokane." --You get it!
Well, "I" have a church! And, at "my" church, we sing old hymns. Leading us in those old hymns are 3 very dear ladies...2 of which are a mere 80 years young, or so. These 2 wonderful women are our equivalent of today's church bands! Stop laughing, I'm serious! One plays the organ and the other plays the piano. Also, both of these young ladies stand only about 4'6" tall, if, so my hubby refers to them lovingly as "our Twin Towers", aka "the band"! The 3rd is a young lady, and she leads us in singing...if that's what you can call the noise that the rest of us make! Some times, more often than not, the "Twin Towers" band loose their place! Sometimes just one or the other, often both at the same time! The song leader is very professional and is usually pretty good about keeping her composure...unless, she and my hubby meet eyes! You see, my hubby finds it rather comical that our little church of 20 or less sing so totally out of sync. He has actually shed tears from quietly laughing so hard!
The last few Sundays we have had a guest minister and his family sit in the pews with us during the first part of the church service. This last Sunday, it seemed extremely hard for our "Twin Towers" to get the timing, the key or the page number together! I, like most of the other parishioners, try to ignore the bumblings and play along...but not my hubby! He can't take it, it's like someone is tickling the bottom of his feet!! And then, the guest minister, who is sitting directly in front of my hubby, turns to look at my hubby...ok, that's all she wrote! The lead singing lady now looses it also, as do the other 5 people sitting in front of me and then my 17 year old brother in law sitting next to, I'm silently saying a prayer that we can all recover and get this song done! And we do!
GOD bless our "Twin Towers" the one tiny little lady steps off the stage and goes to the other tiny little lady sitting at the piano, pats her on the back and hugs her as though they, together, just won the Super Bowl!
There will never be another church like "my" church!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Chase!
I originally posted this in November, 2007. Seems mornings never change. Things are still the same...except...a few of the critters has changed. "Issac" the sheep found a new home with a vet assistant, "Snoop Dog" and "Little Kim" the 2 black "quiet" ducks found a new home with a family that deals with just fowls...that is a strange word! We have a bunch of new chickens, of unintended sorts...that is another post in it's self! And, of course, we now have "Noodle" the poodle! Anyway...let me tell you how my day starts!
Mornings! I drag myself out of bed…down the stairs…all I want to do is throw myself on the chair and sip coffee…but noooo! I have animals! The “mouse” (Mickey the wiener dog) is scratching at his bedroom door to go out. I open his door and he does about 20 3-foot verticals while waiting for me to get my shoes and coat on--now Noodle joins in...she can get some air! I take a deep breath and giggle out loud as I open the door. I take off running and scream as I look behind me…pretending to be in a horror movie. I am being chased by 24 chickens 2 ducks 4 dogs and 3 cats, at the same time the horses are running, bucking, snorting and farting in the pasture. Sometimes I intentionally fall on the ground…they all stop…stare at me, except those who pounce on me…I get up, start running again and they all chase me! I feed them, they forget I exist. I go back inside to drink my coffee. Now I’m awake!
Oh, I've gotta get this on film!
Mornings! I drag myself out of bed…down the stairs…all I want to do is throw myself on the chair and sip coffee…but noooo! I have animals! The “mouse” (Mickey the wiener dog) is scratching at his bedroom door to go out. I open his door and he does about 20 3-foot verticals while waiting for me to get my shoes and coat on--now Noodle joins in...she can get some air! I take a deep breath and giggle out loud as I open the door. I take off running and scream as I look behind me…pretending to be in a horror movie. I am being chased by 24 chickens 2 ducks 4 dogs and 3 cats, at the same time the horses are running, bucking, snorting and farting in the pasture. Sometimes I intentionally fall on the ground…they all stop…stare at me, except those who pounce on me…I get up, start running again and they all chase me! I feed them, they forget I exist. I go back inside to drink my coffee. Now I’m awake!
Oh, I've gotta get this on film!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Yeah, I got followers!!
Hey, I just got my first 2 followers...course I may have had one for awhile and just didn't pay attention--sorry bd, I do that! How do I become a follower...better yet, how do I get one of them cute little logos?! Help!!! I suck at this!
Does anyone remember a slumber party at Pj's? Monkey's "I'm a Believer" was topping the charts? Oh, memory lane! It is no doubt a good thing we all got separated at a very young age. I'll bet we would have gotten in a whole heap of trouble as a group! Actually, looks as though we may have gotten ourselves in enough trouble without the help of each other!
For those of you reading that are at a loss as to this post's content, well, a few of us that got separated as very young teens, by whatever decisions our parents made -- like moving us to another city...or state...have now reunited, some 40 years later (almost)! Wow, it always amazes me, what GOD has in mind for our lives! I'm excited to see where we go from here!
Does anyone remember a slumber party at Pj's? Monkey's "I'm a Believer" was topping the charts? Oh, memory lane! It is no doubt a good thing we all got separated at a very young age. I'll bet we would have gotten in a whole heap of trouble as a group! Actually, looks as though we may have gotten ourselves in enough trouble without the help of each other!
For those of you reading that are at a loss as to this post's content, well, a few of us that got separated as very young teens, by whatever decisions our parents made -- like moving us to another city...or state...have now reunited, some 40 years later (almost)! Wow, it always amazes me, what GOD has in mind for our lives! I'm excited to see where we go from here!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Well Good Golly Miss Molly!
Doo-dee-doo-dee Doo-dee-doo-dee...from somewhere in the twilight zone, there comes a message from years ago...lost in the creases of time...someone you used to know, very well as a matter of fact...Probably at one slumber party or another you may have even made a pact to never ever loose touch...but somehow in the passages of time--you do! So some 30, almost 40 years later, you get an e-mail from yet another old friend about the other lost this getting a little weird? Yeah, thought so!!
Anyway, Pix is back...and she remembers Gidget...or maybe she just remembers Karl! Well darn, what a high this is! This may or may not be a dream...I'll go to sleep, pinch myself in the morning and check in again to see if this is real!
Sweet dreams:)
Anyway, Pix is back...and she remembers Gidget...or maybe she just remembers Karl! Well darn, what a high this is! This may or may not be a dream...I'll go to sleep, pinch myself in the morning and check in again to see if this is real!
Sweet dreams:)
Friday, January 8, 2010
our horse, of course! Founder or Laminitis or both or none?
A few posts back I had mentioned our horse-es with ouchy feet. I then mentioned it again in my New Year's post, well, how bout' an update? Dali was actually loping around the pasture yesterday! And a little buck here and there, whoo-hoo! Bombay, on the other hand, not so good. My hubby who studies--digest it--and studies some more, has been studying...hours of studying! You may think I just mean a few hours of searching out information, reading and asking questions. NO, I mean hours, and hours, everyday, morning--noon--night! Talking to Veterinarians, Farriers, reading books, magazines and printouts, online...sometimes 8 pages up at one time!
Maybe I should mention that my hubby does this with everything, be it the Bible, politics, his gunsmithing, reloading, shooting, farming, logging, construction, you name it...even his work, which is non of the above! He loves to try everything, and insist on knowing as much as possible about all he does.
So, back to the horses. Yesterday, out of desperation more than anything, he decided to re-trim Bombay's front feet and put boots on him. Then he put Bombay back on the pasture with Dali...hoping that Dali will move Bombay around a little for some much needed exercise. The less Bombay just stands around the less edema he will have. He has added some selenium and supplements to the horses diet and will keep them on grass hay for awhile...quite awhile as they both need to loose weight...lots of weight! Like 200 to 300 pounds--each!! Yeah, we love our horses to death! Or almost!
.(\__/). Founder or Laminitis or both or none?
.\\\///. We, he still doesn't know. We are just hoping to
..+....+.. save them both and make them ridable again!
...\.../... Well, thanks again for tuning into the follies!
...(oo)... I enjoy your company!
.....~ ..... Don't forget to say your prayers...
that means you son:) whom I love very much!
And check out the fun store @
Maybe I should mention that my hubby does this with everything, be it the Bible, politics, his gunsmithing, reloading, shooting, farming, logging, construction, you name it...even his work, which is non of the above! He loves to try everything, and insist on knowing as much as possible about all he does.
So, back to the horses. Yesterday, out of desperation more than anything, he decided to re-trim Bombay's front feet and put boots on him. Then he put Bombay back on the pasture with Dali...hoping that Dali will move Bombay around a little for some much needed exercise. The less Bombay just stands around the less edema he will have. He has added some selenium and supplements to the horses diet and will keep them on grass hay for awhile...quite awhile as they both need to loose weight...lots of weight! Like 200 to 300 pounds--each!! Yeah, we love our horses to death! Or almost!
.(\__/). Founder or Laminitis or both or none?
.\\\///. We, he still doesn't know. We are just hoping to
..+....+.. save them both and make them ridable again!
...\.../... Well, thanks again for tuning into the follies!
...(oo)... I enjoy your company!
.....~ ..... Don't forget to say your prayers...
that means you son:) whom I love very much!
And check out the fun store @
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A Quick Note!
My Uncle, Pastor Bill has a blog. If you have a minute, please check it out @ . He writes wonderful stories about a a a Pastor. You will enjoy the stories, be uplifted by the scripture and humbled by the prayers. Please take the time to enjoy this blog.
Thank you!
Thank you!
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