Friday, November 2, 2007

Follies Intro

Where to start. much to tell, so little time to tell it. And so many wonderful stories to tell. I want to share those stories so they don't fall by the way side like many adventures in life do. Seems everyday...or night, as we work a lot of graveyard shifts...there is a farm folly. And it can be any number of the critters involved in any one folly! The cats and dogs; the cats and the sheep; the dogs and the sheep; the cats, dogs, sheep and ducks. Add a chicken or a horse here and there and you have some serious entertainment going on. Oh, throw a kid...or an adult..into the mix now and then also! There truly is a beautiful theatrical world outside my windows and doors...I hope everyone enjoys their world as much as I do mine.

I just came in from cleaning the chicken house. I was trailed by 3 cats, 2 dogs, 4 ducks and 1 sheep. It is nice to be loved...or…are they all just hoping for a treat...devious little critters anyway! Maybe I'm so fanatical about the animals because I miss my son being a little boy and being able to see his follies...oh, so many!...daily. Strange...all of us with children have, or will have to watch our kids pack their things and move their adult life. Doesn't matter how much we nurtured them, loved them, gave them...they all leave us sooner or later. Little ingrates:) So now that we have established a world wide common denominator let's admit it...we all look for something to stick in the nest to keep us going. Me, animals!

Now to set the record straight, I have other things than critters in my a doting husband who helps me collect all the critters--while dragging his feet! He will say, "I don't want no darn sheep on the place" he's starting up the truck to go pick it up for me! (I love him!) I also mentioned my son. He is priceless in everyway...but I will have to put some thought into a public description of him. For now, I will leave it as eccentric, articulate and very funny:) Speaking of priceless...the grandson. Now this kid owns me! An absolute clone of his dad...oh yeah, eccentric, articulate and very funny. There will be many stories on this blog about the 2 of them!

And there's the family! Between the doting hubby and myself we have 10 siblings 6 siblings in-law, more nieces and nephews than I can count, some cousins hanging around here and there and soooo many wonderful aunts and uncles! I saved the best for last...the parents! Oh, I'm sure they will find no protection from this blog! Oh, do I have stories! Oh yeah..."warning": friends beware!

I'm thinking this is enough for an intro into the Farm Follies. This is more of a "let's see how this works" kind of a thing anyway. If you are reading this and you know me...beware...if I know of, or have been witness to any funny follies from will come out on my blog...sooner or later!


Anonymous said...

What a zoo, your day must be filled with animal antics. Do you have plans for any more critters? Love this blog.

Kaybee said...

Yes, I want a mini goat and a mini donkey next...maybe 1 or 2 teacup dogs...I'm working on the hubby about these things! We'll se how that works out for me!

Cindy E. said...

I still think that you need to add a Longhorn calf to the mix. We have a couple of cuties!!