Please take a moment to remember the brave soldiers who fight to protect and preserve out freedoms. The soldiers at home and on the fronts. Those who have went and have come home...those at home who will go...those who didn't make it home and those who won't.
Thank you.
A special prayer goes out to Ken and Cindy. Their son Deakin is in Iraq...again. Deakin, we are proud of you and wish you home safe, sound and soon.
Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts especially while Deak is overseas. BTW, instead of driving trucks he's fighting fires for awhile. In fact, his big burn (training) is today (Sunday). He's sending pics so will share those on my blog. Love to you both - Ken & Cindy
Ditto on the prayers, we need to pray for the troops often. We also need to pray for the families like Ken and Cindy.
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