Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Awe, Best Friends...

Last spring a chicken hatched out her eggs, she had 9 chicks. Around here it is survival of the roam and free-for-all. Including the hawks, owls, magpies, raccoons, and many other hazards, it's always a surprise when any of them survive. Well, this little girl made it! She never got very big and she always walked a bit funny, but she got by!

She was about the ugliest chick I've ever seen! Took forever for her to grow feathers around her neck, head and face, and her body was like a ball...really round. She was about half the size of a full grown Banty. She would hop up to me every time I was out by the barn, seriously, she would hop up in my hands! I would pack her around while I did chores...sometimes I would set her inside the scratch bag until I was done, just so she could eat without getting hassled by the others.

My horse, Dali, fell on the ice, was a little limpy, so we put him in a 12 by 32 run. I think he got a bit lonely cuz he and that chick were pretty good friends! Dali would lay on the chips and that little chick would be nesting beside him. Dali would eat and that chick would be by his feet. Iwould carry the chick around and Dali would nuzzle her. It was very sweet.

The chick wouldn't stay in the chicken house so the cold weather took it's toll on her. A few days ago I went to feed the horses and the little chick was dead...and standing over the top of her was Dali, his head hanging low and his nose almost touching her. It truly broke my heart. I think they were best friends. Who knew an ugly chick could keep a horse such good company?

I don't know about you, but I got a tear in my eye...again.



Cindy E. said...

That is the sweetest story. And yes, I had a tear in my eye by the time I was finished reading! Thanks for the great read tho...your animals are like ours used to be...part of the family. Love to you, Joe, & the whole animal kingdom!

Pastor's Blog said...

I enjoy your writing. Good job.